Friday, May 20, 2011


I am sitting here in my Hostel wondering when I am going to wake up in my apartment in Utah. I have only been in Madrid for one day, and I already have had a lifetime of new experiences. I can not imagine the paradigm shift that will occur by the time this trip comes to a close. This is my first real exposure to the world and I was terrified to even step on the plane. By the time I arrived in Madrid I had already grown so much.

Today we woke up early, had the worlds best cup of coffee and croissant, then took a walk down to  Museo El Prado.  The rest of the day was visiting more tourist attractions and we ended the day by watching the sunset at a Egyptian temple and hanging out in the park.

I love my new friends and could not take back this experience for anything, but I miss my son, partner, friends and family.

Well, music cures the soul so the ladies and I are taking our little butts out dancing!

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